

BNSF Railway Intern - Application Development

Developed computer vision models using the amazing Cogniac platform to detect instances of damage on train wheels. Developed python programs to analyze possible causes of detection imbalances from existing models.

Built a highly dynamic development landscape timeline web application using the Django Framework. Data was pulled in Using RESTful APIs and utilized recursive descent parsing as well as SQLite databases to power an extremely fast back-end.

Used Power BI to detect and display relationships between project and maintenance events in the SAP development landscape.

Developed a ServiceNow application to automate a previously bothersome manual task regarding change requests in the SAP domain.

Undergraduate Teaching Assistant

Leading labs and respective instruction

Course grading

'Joy and Beauty of Data' Course Description:

"Provides a gentle introduction to the exciting world of big data and data science. Students expand their ability to solve problems with Python by learning to deploy lists, files, dictionaries and object-oriented programming. Data science libraries are introduced that enable data to be manipulated and displayed."

Professional Certifications

Runner/Administrative Assistant – Gough, Shanahan, Johnson & Waterman LLC

Located in Helena, Montana, Gough, Shanahan Johnson & Waterman LLC was Montana’s oldest law firm. Beginning in 2014, I handled the delivery of sensitive and valuable documents to various law firms and legal establishments around the greater Helena area. I was also the librarian for its thousands of law sources until the firm’s unfortunate dissolution in 2015. During my time at Gough, Shanahan, Johnson & Waterman LLC, I was most proud of my project in which I cataloged the firm’s thousands of books, in which I created a virtual reference library for each finding by the attorneys and legal aids. Users could also request the delivery of titles to their desk instantly.

Office Assistant – Lewis and Clark County District Court

Following my time at Gough, Shanahan, Johnson & Waterman LLC, I began working at the Lewis and Clark County District Court. I assisted in the official document processing of everything from criminal arrest profiles to civil cases. My daily duties included filing processing, organization, research, and fulfillment of public data requests. I worked with the Clerk of Court and my colleagues to start the process of virtualizing the countless documents within the court in order to optimize future filing efficiency.